Monday, June 9, 2008

Another pound!

I was kind of surprised this morning to find that I had lost another pound.

I didn't do so great at recording my food this week...some because I ate what I shouldh't when I could have eaten better and some because I was eating at other people's houses and didn't have control of what I ate. This was a VERY rough emotional week. So the fact that I still lost a pound is a good thing! I want to give myself credit instead of beating myself up.

Something else significant happened this week. When I had those days where I ate when I shouldn't, I didn't get upset about the food, instead, it truly broke my heart that I had turned to food instead of God. I felt that Godly sorrow that comes when you know you have just done something that will put a wedge between you and God if you don't ask for forgiveness and turn from it. I had to do it alot this week, but each time He was right there waiting with open arms! I love that about my God! :)

So this is the start of a new week. My goal for this week is to exercise every day Mon-Fri. I started off great last week, but didn't end so good. I am not off to a great start this week as I was too tired to get out of bed this morning and go walk....actually didn't even hear the alarm go off! But with the over 100 degree weather we are having, I can swim laps in the pool this evening and the back yard needs to be I bet I can get in some exercise yet today!

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