Thursday, May 29, 2008

Going well

Since I started Weight Watchers, it seems that a new leaf has turned over. I have done Weight Watchers before, but it feels so different this time. I am trying to put my finger on what it is...I am just not sure. I declared war on my food addiction, but I have done that a million times! I think with my health issues, and understanding the vital importance of walking intimatly with God to literaly keep my mind right now, I know that food cannot stand in the way of my intimacy with Him! I think I have tasted and seen that He is good and food no longer tastes so good! I have had one really bad emotional day since being on WW, and food didn't even enter my mind to console it. Food doesn't consume my thoughts any more. What freedom! I fear the old thoughts will come back, but for now I am resting in the peace of eating to nourish my body and tracking it all to make sure I know what is going in my mouth!

And the best part is, the scale is going back down! woohoo!!! I know I need to quit weighing every day, but every day this week, I have been down at least half a pound from the day before. I am on my way to that 100 pounds by Mother's Day 2009!

Thank you to those of you walking this journey with me! I don't know how you found my blog, but I am soooooo glad you did!


Mandy said...

That's great news Holly! I am really so glad I was blog hopping and landed here. God knew that we were wanting to seek Him first and get our temples healthy so he gave us support. He's cool like that!

These Three Kings said...

wow!!! Praise the LORD!!! so excited for you!