Monday, May 19, 2008

I hate this battle!

Well, my weight is back where I started! I hate this battle! It seams the harder I fight, the more I lose! Yet I know that is because I am believing lies.

I have made some good, but more bad food choices this past week. I know have a wonderful friend wanting to walk this journey with me...I was so excited when she e-mailed and asked to do it with me, yet I find myself still not being motivated. What is it going to take to motivate me? I just feel so down on myself right now that eating just seems like the only thing to do. What a lie from the pit!

I did swim 10+ laps yesterday...nearly killed me! Used to I was big, but I could keep up physically fairly well. Now days, that is not the case. By 2:00 in the afternoon I am wiped out! Brain dead and physically exhausted. What would it be like to carry 100 pounds less around all day? Oh God, help me to get there!


Mandy said...

I know, it truly does feel like a relapse to an addiction. You can do it. I'll be praying.

These Three Kings said...

you can do it girl!! I am praying for you
I maybe you can start to memorize some scripture verses that pertain to self control and the ones in corinthians on your body being a temple ...I like to pray through those verses every now and then.. the psalmist did say, I have hid your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you... hold him to his word!
love you!