Monday, June 2, 2008

Goin down!

The numbers are still going down on the scale! That is sooo nice! WW said they couldn't verify my credit card, so I can't log my food in right now until I get that settled, but I am doing ok. I kind of decided that I wouldn't be as strict on weekends anyway just to try my hand at "freedom with in boundaries" :)

I had a wedding shower at my house on Saturday, so I had some sweets then. I am sure I went over points, but I did good at monitoring and stopping when I was full....not just eating because good food was there!

I am encouraged in my battle..just because I don't think about food constantly. For the first time in a very long time, I think I can do this! I can really lose this weight! I have to!


Mandy said...

Hi Holly, Thanks for the comments on my blog. You can go to and see if they have a weight loss challenge in your area. The people that run the one near me sell herbalife products also. They have great meetings and good lessons on nutrition whether you buy their products or not. They are no pressure sales people, but will educate on the importance of herbs and vitamins. How do you get the weight tracker on the side bar?

HollyAnn said...

Hi Mandy, I just added a list on the blog elements when you go to "customize" and then I add the date each week.