Monday, June 23, 2008

One more pound!

I didn't record last weeks weight, but I had gone back up to 256. But this week, I did well and was back down minus one! So I have a total weight loss of 6.5 pounds! First five pound milestone down! woohoo!!! This week was so easy because I didn't have to "think" about it! I just ate what I wanted and quit when I was full. Food didn't consume me! I didn't do well this weekend, but I also didnt' spend time with God Saturday or Sunday. I know that impacts my whole being....including how I view food!

Only 93.5 pounds until the nose ring! :)


Mandy said...

Good job! It is great to do this at the same time! Also, I have loved reading your other blog! I hope you don't mind I made mention of it in mine.

HollyAnn said...

Mandy, I don't mind at all! I am glad you are reading it also!