Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's been awhile!

Well, it has been a long time since I have posted here. I had actually lost about 10 pounds and was doing very well! I was not thinking of food constantly, in fact, I was missing a lot of meals because I would literally forget to eat! That was a first for me! That also meant that I was turning to God and not food! That I was allowing Him to deal with my stress, hurts, etc. But then LOTS of stress came, and right back to that I went. But lately, I have realized once again just how important it is to bring my weight down. The health rises of being obese are just stupid to put myself in! It is one thing to have inherited risk factors for a disease or illness, but to be in a risky place because of your own choices just doesn't seem too smart to me.

So I am back to trying to really make a life change! Plus I had seen my daugther also thinking less of food and making better choices, but in the past few weeks, I have noticed her making unhealthy choices again....I am sure a direct result of my battle starting up again as well.

I serve a God that can take care of me....a good God! I want to learn to look to Him and not food when I am about to have a total meltdown! He has doesn't! It just seems so silly, but it is a real struggle!

So I am back in the saddle again!


Crystal said...

You can do it my friend : ) You are awesome!!!! Love, Crystal

missy said...

Hey there HollyAnn, I can't get to your other blog but would sure love to see some photos and read updates about your new little sweetie. Hope all is going well with your family and Addy's Hope.

Love, Missy