Monday, June 30, 2008


I am not sure why, but this morning I was up a lot! I hate that! I weighed on day last week and had lost another pound. So I was expecting big things this morning! Big in the weight loss category, not in the gain category! So frustrating! I was out of town last week so didn't record a lot of my food, but really felt good about how I ate. I got popcorn for a snack at the convenience store on the road instead of a candy bar. At the continental breakfast at the hotel, I had not desire to eat one of everything (that is what I used to do!). So I was really excited to see what the scale said.

I was up 3.5 pounds! So frustrating! I will weigh again later in the week and see what it says. Maybe this morning was just a bad day to weigh. I haven't been excercising, and I know that is not good. I also haven't been drinking water. So I am going to work on those two areas this week.

So this is the face that Weight Watchers gave me on my weight recorder today!

1 comment:

These Three Kings said...

DOn't be discouraged my friend! Hang in there..SAnctification is a beast.. GOd is so SOVEREIGN over your struggle.. don't you know even in our area of weakness and sin He could ZAP those pounds away.. But HE chose not to because HE cares so much more about our character than our comfort! Be encouraged and stay on it.. I am sure He will reward your faithfulness
love you my sister,