Monday, July 21, 2008

Can you say "yo-yo?"

I hate the yo-yo of dieting! I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain, I gain, I gain! I keep telling myself this weight did not get on overnight, it will not come off overnight either! Plus, they are testing me for sleep apnea which could be making it difficult to impossible to lose the weight. However, with summer vacations being here, it makes is very difficult to track my food and stay on track! I also have a hard time getting up right now because of the fatigue, so I am not exercising in the mornings like I need to be. None of these things will spell success! But I am determined! I am concentrating on my heart.....on not wanting food to comfort myself, but eating to nourish my body! That really impacts my choice in food if I look at it like that! So another week, and still not down any more over all, but there is always next Monday....except I will be in West Africa next Monday! So no weigh in! It will have to wait for the next Monday!

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