Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday Weigh In

Well, I am down three pounds! Woohoo! I tend to weigh way too much! So I am trying to only record one weight a week to see what is really happening. I tend to fluctuate a lot.

The weekend wasn't so great, as I knew it wouldn't be with the garage sale. But today was better. My menu for today was granola bar for breakfast, spinach salad with chicken for lunch. Then for dinner, I grilled steaks, egg plant and cabbage. We had fresh strawberry shortcake for desert. I know deserts can't be banned all together! So I am trying to do good ones. I didn't add as much sugar to the strawberries as I normally would.

So as far as meals, it was great. Now if I hadn't eaten the five or six marshmallow eggs or the seven or eight m&m's, it would have been great! Something to work on for tomorrow! Sweets are definitly my stronghold!

I did walk for 20 minutes this morning also. I would have walked for longer, but I didn't have time. I need to get up by 5:15 to have a full 30 minutes to walk! That used to be easy for me, but with the depression, getting up in the mornings is so hard! But I will work on it!

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