Tuesday, April 22, 2008

One way to lose weight

I was sicker than sick yesterday! I was going at both ends (sorry, that was a little grafick, huh>!). But when I got on the scale this morning, I was down the pounds I had gained plus one more! Hard way to lose it, but I will take it! Now I just have to keep it off!


These Three Kings said...

wow.. I am loving your blog!! you have encouraged me with your transparency.. have you ever read.. " LOVE TO EAT HATE TO EAT" by Elyse Fitzpatrick.. I am reading it now on how to gain a biblical perspective on food.. it is a must read!! I am soo with you when you say it all about the HEART and not the food.. food in and of it self is not sin.. its our HEARTS and the motives we have behind what we place in our mouths.. I should blog about my loosing weight journey!
thanks so much! I am soo thankful to the LORD for finding you!

HollyAnn said...

Hi Nicole! Thanks for stopping by! I have not heard of that book, but will have to get it! It sounds wonderful! Glad I have encouraged you! I have to admit when I see a comment on this blog, I cringe because it means someone else has seen my weight! :) But that is what transparency is all about! If you start a blog, send me the link....I want to read! Please stop by again! :)