Wednesday, April 30, 2008


There are so many things I think should motivate your children in their honesty telling you how big your thighs are.....or sitting at the computer working and just feeling your belly hanging places it shouldn't! Whey does this not motivate me? I think because right after I think motivation, the voices start in again so I just eat to curtail the pain from the words of the voices and then the thighs get bigger and the stomach hangs over a little more!...that is so gross! ugh! Maybe I will tell the little voices to hush and go do some situps!

1 comment:

These Three Kings said...

hey friend! how are things going.. I will be praying for you.. I just started back working out.. I think I will tomorrow start looking at templates so that I can join u in this blog on weight loss
hope you are having a thankful morning